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Affirming Youth During Retesting

Watch as staff encourage youth to investigate how they designed their package, what did or didn’t work with their design, and how they might adapt for re-testing. Staff support youth’s abilities and encourage youth to work with their team and develop their own solutions for re-testing their designs.

Education Item

Group Collaboration

Collaboration is an effective strategy to increase STEM learning especially when it happens during group work. Watch an experienced frontline staff member lead groups in the re-design process using group collaboration.

Education Item

Try & Try Again

Watch as Gauri works with youth to design, build and test a cook stove. Take note of how she encourages students to re-test or re-design their stove idea.

Education Item

Understanding Your Audience Needs

Watch and listen as Jean discusses the importance of understanding the needs of both your staff and youth when evaluating materials and resources for STEM learning. Pay close to attention to strategies she uses to set everyone up for success.

Education Item

Creating Learning Environments for Computer Science

Notice how the facilitators change the room they are using to create a computer science Learning Environment.

Education Item


Lemond uses an acronym, DIVEE, and rhythm to make the engineering design process more accessible to youth.

Education Item

Keeping the Group Focused

Watch as Denise and Jaimie use affirming statements with youth to reinforce positive behavior during the STEM activity. You will hear staff using attention-grabbing call-response phrases that require youth interaction, in order to keep the group working together.

Education Item

Including All Learners

The facilitator adapts an activity to include strategies that support the unique needs of his audience which includes English language learners.

Education Item

Using Questions for Many Purposes

Watch an experienced frontline staff member, Katie, use purposeful questions to encourage youth to think deeply about their STEM learning experience.