Building for the Big One

Design a structure that can withstand the shaking of an earthquake and work as a team of scientists and engineers.


Age of children

  • Upper elementary (grades 4-6)

Materials required

  • 20 Popsicle© sticks per group
  • Hot glue gun (low temperature)
  • 2 stick of hot glue per group
  • 1 golf ball
  • 1 aluminum 8in circle baking pans per group
  • Play-Doh© (2 containers per “bedrock group”)
  • Grape-nuts© (1 box)
  • Oobleck (1 ½ cup of cornstarch + 1 cup of water per “land
  • group”)
  • Graph paper
  • Ruler
  • Pens
  • Career labels
  • Soil cards
  • Shake table
  • Stop watch


  • 40 minutes

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