April 2, 2024 Conversation with Christine Cunningham about Youth Engineering Solutions

February 21, 2024

Youth Engineering Solutions is educating the next generation of problem solvers and engineers by creating resources that engage all students in authentic engineering challenges connected to their lives and communities. Join this virtual workshop to learn about YES resources that are designed for afterschool programs. Christine Cunningham and Katie Bateman from the Museum of Science, Boston will introduce a framework for equity-oriented engineering learning and show how it can be applied to afterschool engineering activities. Real video from afterschool programs will illustrate the principles in action. Participants will be introduced to two engineering units for out-of-school settings—Engineering Rescue Shuttles and Engineering Sock Assistive Devices—which they download free-of-charge.

This virtual workshop will prepare participants to create authentic engineering experiences that motivate and engage youth in developing an engineering mindset.

Register now to join this conversation led by Becky Swanson with Christine Cunningham and Katie Bateman from the Museum of Science, Boston on April 2, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM CT.

You can Register Now with this link.