Resource Topic

Youth development

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Building Relationships for STEM Learning

Watch as Jennifer uses strategies to support and encourage youth when working on an engineering design challenge. Listen as Jennifer shares an important element to group management involving building relationships around STEM learning based on mutual respect and support.

Education Item

Managing Conflict

Alex effectively resolves conflict between youth working on a team and helps them learn the skills to work together.

Education Item


Lemond uses an acronym, DIVEE, and rhythm to make the engineering design process more accessible to youth.

Education Item

Teens Lead in 4-H Computer Science

4-H experiences help teens develop a wide variety of interests and skills, including leadership. These teen leaders use their skills to lead computer science experiences and build meaningful relationships and help young people see themselves as computer scientists.

Education Item

Design and Test

Participants will use “What-If” cards in order to help youth engage in engineering design practices like using criteria and constraints, facing a failed test, and redesign.

Education Item

Strategies for Making All Youth Feel Included

Participants will view the DIVEE Video-Based Learning Module and identify strategies for facilitating inclusive learning experiences.

Education Item

Stories of Failure

Participants will identify their role and attitude towards failure and discuss strategies for creating an environment where failure feels okay.

Education Item

Discussing Testing in the Design Process

Participants will do a chalk talk around engineering design and testing in order to incorporate thoughtful testing and local resources.