Engineering Mindset Webinar

May 20, 2022

By Dr. Saundra Wever Frerichs

Science Education Specialist

Dr. Saundra Wever Frerichs is a Science Education Specialist with 4-H Youth Development at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and part of the Click2Engineering team. Dr. Frerichs has more than thirty years' experience in informal learning. She is passionate about informal science learning and teaching, and driven to create even better informal learning opportunities for youth.

Did you miss the May webinar, Engineering Mindset?  Don’t worry, you can watch the recording. This is an opportunity to learn more about the 10 Practices for Developing an Engineering Mindset that form the foundation of the brand-new Click2Engineering project.


These are practices engineers utilize in their work, and that researchers in engineering education identify as key to helping youth learn about engineering. This webinar will introduce each practice and how it contributes to developing an engineering mindset. Activities than incorporate these mindset-developing practices can transform out of school time learning about engineering.