Family-Focused Engineering: Harnessing Early Childhood Potential

August 14, 2023

Engage with Family-Focused Engineering

Young children are not only natural scientists—they’re also creative, innovative engineers! This recorded workshop shares findings and resources from over 10-years of National Science Foundation-funded research with preschool-age children and their families to explore ways of supporting engineering engagement in early childhood and connecting with the engineering knowledge and practices that already exist within communities.

Scott Pattison and Smirla Ramos Montañez from the Center for Equitable Family STEM Learning at TERC and Gina Svarovsky from the Center for STEM Education at the University of Notre Dame will share ready-to-use activities and resources in multiple languages (Spanish, English, and Arabic), and more! They will offer research-based insights on how to connect engineering with families’ everyday problem solving. You will learn strategies that you can use in your own programming with children or families.