As you watch the video, think about these questions:
How does the engineer use inquiry to help youth work through their robot design?
How do the youth apply their knowledge to solving their problem?
What is the engineer doing here that helps build youth identity as someone who can do engineering?
How does the engineering help youth understand how failure is part of the engineering process?
Now that you’ve watched the video, reflect on what you saw and post your responses.
How do you create opportunities for youth to apply their knowledge in solving engineering challenges?
What are strategies you use in your program to introduce youth to a diverse group of STEM role models?
In what ways does the engineer act as a positive role model and help youth see themselves as someone who could do engineering for a career?
Explore Engineering Practices
Education Item
Engage in Iteration
See how youth test their packaging designs to see if they can protect an egg, and how Denise and Jaimie organize the activity to challenge them to improve designs.