Youth work in small teams to develop cookie packaging during an engineering activity in an afterschool program. See how the educator supports youth in working together as a team.
See how an experienced educator identifies and demonstrates explicit strategies to support youth in developing their identity as engineers during an engineering design activity where youth create packaging to keep cookies from being broken.
This engineering activity integrates math into a cookie package design challenge. See how you can encourage youth to use their mathematical knowledge to inform their design decisions.
Engineers identify criteria and constraints, using trade-offs to balance competing factors.
Engineers use knowledge of science, math, and other areas in all phases of the engineering design process.
Apply the engineering design process as you design a chair for a favorite stuffed animal or toy.
Engineers think innovatively to envision multiple possible solutions to open-ended problems. Youth apply this practice as they design unique balloon-powered vehicles.
Engineers make trade-offs to balance competing factors as they solve problems. As youth create enrichment toys for zoo animals, they balance the animals’ safety with keeping them engaged.