Learn how to support youth to envision themselves as possible future engineers by engaging them in meaningful engineering experiences.
“Watch experienced frontline staff members, Leslie and Shelly, use an engineering design challenge to help youth make a personal connection to Engineering.”
Youth look to you as an example of what they should do and how they should look at the world. Do you use the engineering practices and share your thought processes and reflections? Not sure how? Learn ways to model the engineering processes in your daily work.
Watch as staff members Katie and Molly make connections to a variety of STEM Careers throughout the selected activity and explore strategies for strengthening your own practice in this area.
Facilitators of STEM activities can help youth connect to STEM careers by providing opportunities to introduce STEM professionals to youth.
Dagen connects the skills youth use with the career role they selected during the challenge.
4-H experiences help teens develop a wide variety of interests and skills, including leadership. These teen leaders use their skills to lead computer science experiences and build meaningful relationships and help young people see themselves as computer scientists.
Dagen discusses the many careers that connect to the Incredible Wearables Challenge to expose youth to potential careers.
Participants will develop strategies to support emerging STEM identities using the Building for the Big One activity.
See how an experienced educator identifies and demonstrates explicit strategies to support youth in developing their identity as engineers during an engineering design activity where youth create packaging to keep cookies from being broken.
Check out the resources available for Work in Teams.
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