Resource Center

Students gather supplies

Building a Grape Smasher

Work in a team to design a machine from simple supplies that can smash a grape.

Two cans of WD40.
Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Persist and Learn from Failure

Failure is an important part of engineering and plays a critical role in solving problems.

students experiment with virtual reality goggles
Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Identify as Engineers

Help youth learn about engineering and see themselves as someone who can engineer solutions.

Adult collaborating with three girls working together.
Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Work in Teams

Help youth develop the skills they need to work as part of an engineering team.

Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Consider Real-World Problems

The purpose of engineering is to design solutions to real-world problems. To do this, engineers must consider the context, background information, needs of the client, and the implication of possible solutions.

Balloon powered vehicles built from recycled materials
Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Evaluate Designs and Iterate

Engineers use an iterative process to evaluate, revise, and improve solutions.

Learning Blast

Learning Blast: Explore Materials

Learn how engineers investigate and consider the properties and uses of materials to select those that are most appropriate for the task.

Education Item

Engage in Iteration

See how youth test their packaging designs to see if they can protect an egg, and how Denise and Jaimie organize the activity to challenge them to improve designs.

Education Item

Learning To Fail

See how staff help youth learn from their failed attempts to build a grape smasher and help them revise and improve the designs.