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Linking My Experiences to Societal Needs

Watch as Gauri, the frontline staff member, helps the youth connect the activity to prior knowledge, experiences and societal needs and strategize how you might do this as well.

Education Item

Where Are You Stuck?

Notice how the facilitator nudges learners to find their own solutions as they create the algorithms that control their agents in the virtual world.

Education Item

Including All Learners

The facilitator adapts an activity to include strategies that support the unique needs of his audience which includes English language learners.

Education Item

Using Questions for Many Purposes

Watch an experienced frontline staff member, Katie, use purposeful questions to encourage youth to think deeply about their STEM learning experience.

Education Item

Learning from Failure

Lemond uses questions to help youth learn from failure during an engineering design challenge.

Education Item

Making Meaning from STEM Learning

To make STEM experiences meaningful, youth need to make the STEM learning personal. Staff use “provocations” and “plussing” to challenge youth to think of new ideas based on what they have discovered while creating an object that can fly out of a wind tunnel.

Education Item

Watching for Best Practices

Participants will compare a fact sheet with videos in Keeping Youth Interacting to see how facilitators encourage youth to collaborate

Education Item

Connecting to Prior Knowledge with an Idea Walk

Participants will do an idea walk in order to add more opportunities for youth to connect their prior knowledge to STEM activities.

Education Item

Exploring a STEM Identity

Participants will develop strategies to support emerging STEM identities using the Building for the Big One activity.