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Education Item

Balancing Criteria and Constraints

Education Item

Easy as a Pickle Sandwich

Participants will design a sandwich “protector” to learn how engineers use multiple practices to design solutions.

Education Item

Developing an Active STEM Learning Environment

Participants will compare Glurch and Oobleck to learn how to engage youth in active learning.

Education Item

Exploring a STEM Identity

Participants will develop strategies to support emerging STEM identities using the Building for the Big One activity.

Education Item

Using Models

Participants will demonstrate the importance of models when trying to answer questions, draw conclusions and develop solutions in engineering.

Education Item

Creating interactive professional development experiences

Great trainings engage staff with new ideas through experiences, discussions, and interaction. Each training focuses on a single skill for facilitating STEM learning. Well trained staff can deliver high quality OST programming that has a positive impact on youth. The skills and competencies that staff need to deliver high quality programming can be developed through the interactions and discussions of a well-planned professional development program.